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Data Transfer

Prepare company in the database

When initiating coverage of a new company you will first need to prepare the company in the database. After this you can update figures to database using Excel model.

Note! If you are not the first analyst for the company, you do not have to do anything. In that case these values should be correctly set by the first analyst. 

Preparing new company

  1. Go to the analyst main page.
    1. Login to the web pages of the service.
    2. Click Analysts link in the top of the page.
  2. Click Companies in the menu.
  3. Click Add new company.
  4. Select the industry and ticker(s) for company.
    1. Add new industry if needed.
    2. Add new ticker(s)* for the company if needed.
  5. Click Add Company.
  6. Open your Excel model and click Update to database. Remember to use exactly same company name in Excel model as what you defined to the database!

Updating company info

  1. Go to the analyst main page.
  2. Click the Company Management button.
  3. Choose the company from the list and click Modify.
  4. Select industry and ticker(s)* for the company.
  5. Click Update Company.

* Notice about tickers!  If the company has two series of shares, remember to set ticker for both series. If the second series is unquoted, set the quoted ticker for both series I and II.
* Estonian companies. Please use EUR as the currency of the ticker. (The model can be in EEK.)

Possible problem: Microsoft WinHTTP Services (winhttp.dll)

When this is required?

You need to have Microsoft WinHTTP Services available in Excel if you need to run DB2Excel in Excel model or Valuatum Template in Microsoft Word.

How to take into use?

1.    Open MS Excel (or MS Word in Valuatum Template case).
2.    Open Visual Basic editor by clicking Alt + F11 or from Tools – Macro – Visual Basic Editor (picture 1).
3.    Choose Tools – References (picture 2).
4.    Locate Microsoft WinHTTP Services, version 5.1 (or newer) and select it (picture 3). (If you cannot find it, see solution below.) Notice that the selected references are at the top and unselected alphabetically ordered after them.
5.    Click Ok and close the Visual Basic Editor

Problem: cannot find the WinHTTP reference

Microsoft WinHTTP Services, version 5.1 (or later) can be found in Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 and later versions. If you cannot find it, your operation system is probably older than this.
You must get a copy of this file manually:
1.    Download winhttp.dll from Valuatum website.
2.    Save the file to C:\WINNT\system32 (or to corresponding Windows folder).
3.    Open MS Excel (or MS Word in Valuatum Template case) and open Visual Basic editor (see above).
4.    Open the References window (see above).
5.    Click “Browse…” and locate the file.
6.    Select the reference you just imported (Microsoft WinHTTP Services, version 5.1).
7.    Click Ok and close the Visual Basic Editor.

In case of further problems, please contact Valuatum.


Database Update Errors and Solutions


A) Problems BEFORE clicking the update button in Excel (preparing phase) 
There is no proper industry for my company
There is no ticker(s) for my company

B) Problems AFTER clicking the update button in Excel (DOS window)
DOS window disappears quickly after clicking Excel’s update button 
Login to server xyz or user verification failed
ERROR: Could not find information provider from the database
ERROR: The company (xyz) cannot be found in the database.
ERROR: The company (xyz) does not belong to any industry.
ERROR: Currency (xyz) not found from the database
ERROR: Analyst has made no reservation.
ERROR: NumberFormatException in dat.Value()
Any other error

A) Problems BEFORE clicking the update button in Excel (preparing phase)

There is no proper industry for my company

If you cannot find a proper industry for your company in Company Management, you can add a new industry with the following way:

1. Click ‘Add new’ in the industry row in Company Management
2. Write the name of the new industry and choose a possible parent industry for it.If you want to add a new main (parent) industry, select the first parent industry option: ‘I want to add a new parent industry’.


There is no ticker(s) for my company

If you cannot find the right ticker for your company in Company Management, you can add a new ticker with the following way:

1. Click ‘Add new’ in the ticker row in Company Management.
2. Fill all the fields and click Add ticker.You can find the ISIN code from the stock exchange web site. Another way is to search it from the internet with the words: isin code company_name.


B) Problems AFTER clicking the update button in Excel (DOS window)

When you click the update button in the Excel model, a Dos window will open. The new window shows you how the update process goes on.

If you get any error, see whether you can find a solution for it from below.


After clicking Excel’s update button nothing happens (or DOS window disappears quickly)


You click the update button in Excel and confirm the questions. Then nothing happens, except a black icon quickly flashes in Windows’ toolbar (this may also happen so quickly that you cannot even notice it). This probably means that there is something wrong in the computer settings, for example you may have no Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed. In order us to help you, please do the following.


Open the DOS command prompt (Start – Run – write cmd – click Ok). Then write the following commands (click enter at the end of the row):

cd \valuatum\Excel2DB

Now the process starts and you can see the error text. Copy the text and send it for us by email. You can copy in command prompt window so that first paint the area and then click enter (same as ctrl + C in other programs). If you are not able to paint any area, click the icon of the window and choose Properties. Select Settings tab and set Quick edit as checked.


Login to server xyz or user verification failed

Examples of error messages

  1. Login to server null or user verification failed
  2. Login to server http://wrong.ip.address or user verification failed
  3. Login to server or user verification failed


Check the Database-interface sheet in your Excel model (the last sheet on right). In the D column, quite low there are cells for username, password and server. Please, make sure that the values exist and they are written right. The value in the server cell should be: If you cannot solve the problem with these instructions, please contact Valuatum.

Information about error examples

  1. The first error example refers to a case where the server cell is empty in the database-interface sheet.
  2. The second example means that the value in the server cell is wrong.
  3. The third example refers to a situation where your username and/or password are wrong.

ERROR: Could not find information provider from the database with queryKey: xyz

Examples of error messages

  1. Could not find information provider from the database with queryKey: null
  2. Could not find information provider from the database with queryKey: Finlan


Check the Database-interface sheet in your Excel model (the last sheet on right). In the D column, quite low there is a cell for Your company’s name / Freelance country.

If you are a freelance analyst, write there the name of your country, for example: Finland, Sweden, Baltics etc.

If you are a professional analyst, write there your company’s name, for example: My Bank.

Information about error examples

  1. The first example refers to a case where the cell is empty.
  2. The second example refers to a case where there is a typo in the cell.

ERROR: The company (xyz) cannot be found in the database. Information provider: abc

Examples of error messages

  1. The company (null) cannot be found in the database. Information provider: Finland
  2. The company (Aspo) cannot be found in the database. Information provider: Finland
  3. The company (Nokia Plc.) cannot be found in the database. Information provider: Finland


  1. Check that the company name written in the F1 cell in the I-main sheet in your Excel model is correct.
  2. Check that there exists a company with this name in the database. If the desired company does not exist yet, you can create or update it in analyst pages.

Basically make sure that the company name in Excel equals the one in the database.

Information about error examples

  1. The first error example refers to a case where the cell F1 in the I-main sheet is empty.
  2. In the second error example there probably isn’t a company called ‘Aspo’ in the database.
  3. The third one is an example of the situation where company called ‘Nokia’ exists in the database but the process fails since ‘Nokia’ ‘Nokia plc’.

ERROR: The company (xyz) does not belong to any industry.

Example of error messages

  1. ERROR: The company (Ericsson) does not belong to any industry.


Each company must belong to an industry in the database. You can define the industry in company management.

Information about error examples

  1. The company Ericsson exists in the database and it is written with the same way in the Excel model. However, it does not belong to any industry (e.g. Telecommunication) yet.


ERROR: Currency (xyz) not found from the database

Examples of error messages

  1. Currency (null) cannot be found in the database.
  2. Currency (CAD) cannot be found in the database.


The currency is defined in the cell F2 in the I-main sheet. (In older versions it is in the Database-interface sheet.) Check that you have written it correctly (for example: EUR).

If you are sure that there is no wrong value in the cell, please contact Valuatum. It may be that we haven’t inserted the currency to the database yet.

Information about error examples

  1. The first error example refers to a case where the cell F2 in the I-main sheet is empty.
  2. In the second case the currency (Canadian dollar) does not exist in the database. Please contact Valuatum if this happens.

ERROR: Analyst has made no reservation.

Example of error message

  1. ERROR: Analyst has made no reservation.


If you are a freelance analyst, you must reserve a company before you can insert it to the database. You can do that in Company reservation, in Analyst section.

ERROR: NumberFormatException in dat.Value()

Examples of error messages

The whole error message might look something like this:

Getting variable names…
ERROR: NumberFormatException in dat.Value()

java.lang.NumberFormatException: n.a


This kind of error message does not prevent from updating the model to the database. It just warns you that a certain value was not acceptable.

It means that you have not entered a number to a cell that should include only numbers. In the case above the inserted value would have been “n.a”. One possible cell might be target price which accepts only numbers.

You can avoid the error message by removing “n.a” (or any other text) from the cell you had imputted it. If you have no information available for the cell, just leave it empty.

Any other error

Please contact Valuatum and we will solve the problem together.


How to copy company data from database to Valuatum Excel model (DB2Excel)?

1. Basic information about DB2Excel

DB2Excel is a process that brings a company’s data from the Valuatum’s database to a Valuatum Excel model. In other words, you can open an empty Valuatum excel model and use DB2Excel to download any company’s data (historic data and estimates) from any analyst that has provided data to Valuatum database.
DB2Excel comes from words “from database to Excel”. It is an opposite process to Excel2DB which means “from Excel to database”.

2. When to use DB2Excel?

Downloading company data with DB2Excel is practical in a couple of situations:

  1. When you start to analyse a company that already has an analyst, the easiest way to start is to download the current first analyst’s data or use history data import.
  2. If you need to update your current Excel model to the latest version, DB2Excel can be used in the process (see more about updating model).

3. Usage instructions

  1. Download Valuatum Excel model (usually by selecting  Analyst from the top menu – Excel Files)
  2. Open Valuatum Excel model.
  3. If you use DB2Excel for the first time, make sure that Microsoft WinHTTP services are available.
  4. Go to the I-main sheet.
  5. Click the button Download data.
  6. Write your login information and click Continue.
  7. Choose the company from the list.
  8. Choose which years and quarters you would like to update. If you are downloading data to an empty model, choose All years/quarters. Click Continue.
  9. Now the macro downloads the data and tells you when the process is ready.

4. Possible problems

“User-defined type not defined” error

If the macro gives this kind of error and paints “New WinHttp.WinHttpRequest” text, it means that Excel is missing Microsoft WinHTTP Services reference. Stop the macro and see instructions how to take WinHTTP Services into use from
“Possible problem: Microsoft WinHTTP Services (winhttp.dll)”

Any other problems

In case of any (other) problems, do not hesitate to contact Valuatum.