Help files by topic
- Estimating long-term growth and profitability
- Seasonal variation in estimates
- How far should I estimate in quarter level (net sales and EBIT)?
- What is important in analysis to try to estimate?
- Where to get information about companies?
- Calculation Paths between Income Statement
- Non-recurring items included in EBIT
- What to do if company does not report depreciation?
- What to do if company tells nothing about taxes?
- Associated companies’ profit is reported before EBIT
- Quarterly information is not available
- Net sales is in division level but EBIT is in group level
- Guide for using graphs and images in forum comments
- Guide for editing forum comment text
- The track-record and creditability of current management
- Description of competitive situation and position in markets
- Setting and arguing recommendation
- General instructions for providing comments in company specific forums
- Valuatum Research projects
- EVA Valuation tutorial
- EVA-MVA graphs from Finnish companies
- Damodaran webpages (Prof. Finance at Stern Business School)
- Calculation Paths between Income Statement
- How the Balance sheet is made even?
- Parameter allocation – Balance sheet liabilities
- Company does not tell the share of interest bearing debt
- Parameter allocation – Assets
- Consensus estimates
- How to use multi-criteria rankings?
- How to change estimates?
- Initiation of coverage
- Information about cell protection
- Automatic calculation of quarterly estimates for next year
- Advanced Excel Information
- How to make changes to the Excel model?
- The chart macro in the Excel model – how to use the chart efficiently
- How to change year in the Excel model?
- How to start new division or end existing one?
- Circular reference problem
- I have to change black output cell even though it is not allowed
- How much history data should I fill at minimum?
- How to set value for Tangible assets / net sales %?
- Adjustments to stock splits and issues
- Reported cash flow parameters
- Instructions for share issue
- Estimating EBITDA instead of EBIT
- Estimate period lenght
- Unable to run the “Year change” macro
- Application- or object-defined error
- Forecasting Depreciations & Amortization
- EVA-Valuation
- DCF-Valuation
- Fair value is negative in the model
- Setting fair value and the meaning of DCF
- WACC – Parameter guidance
- Prepare company in the database
- Possible problem: Microsoft WinHTTP Services (winhttp.dll)
- Database Update Errors and Solutions
- How to copy company data from database to Valuatum Excel model (DB2Excel)?
- What, when and why?
- How to update Excel model(s)?
- How is the Balance sheet is made even?
- DCF and EVA
- Estimating dividends
- Estimating Working capital
- Estimating fixed assets and gross investments
- Estimating Balance sheet parameters
- Estimating Net sales
- Estimating EBIT
- Estimating Income statement parameters
Valuatum’s old web pages (2001)
Valuatum’s old web pages (2009)
Valuatum’s old web pages (2018)