Equity Portfolio Solution
Valuatum Equity Portfolio Solution is a web-based software solution for professional investors. Integration into investor’s back-office or middle-office system, and delivery with a connection to global information vendors such as Bloomberg and Thomson Reuters, makes Valuatum Equity Portfolio Solution one of the most powerful and comprehensive software solutions in equity investments.
Each investor has its own specific needs, not least due to several investment strategies and styles. While Valuatum Equity Portfolio Solution has been designed to meet even the most complex needs, more features can be easily added on request. This makes our solution ideal for any locally or globally operating investment organization.
Valuatum operate with the Software as a Service (SaaS) model, i.e. our solution includes maintenance and continuous development services. Serving both banks, government offices and other financial institutions Valuatums systems and solutions are highly secured.
Complex information, descriptive charts and tables
With Valuatum Equity Portfolio Solution investors can analyze and follow the performance of several portfolios online. Standard features include for example performance attribution analysis, yield calculation, portfolio valuation, simulation and screening.
The software also provides an in-depth view on both existing and new potential holding: historical earnings, consensus estimates, key ratios, peer group analysis and valuation. All presented in a rich and logical way with user friendly interface.
Several high quality charts and descriptive tables have been designed to highlight the impact of individual holdings on portfolio valuation and performance, with the overall objective to enhance decision making and output. This gives support to both absolute and relative performance objectives, top-down and bottom-up philosophies.
Real-time portfolio valuation, return and yield calculation
As a standard feature Valuatum Equity Portfolio Solution can be integrated into any middle- or back-office systems with an open interface. Hence, our solution is not only capable to reflect investor’s true portfolio in mark-to-market terms. It can also calculate actual returns and yields for any specific holding, sector, or the portfolio as a whole, for any given period of time.
Performance Attribution Analysis
Measure your true contribution! Performance Attribution Analysis interprets in real-time how an investor has achieved performance by measuring the source of value added to the portfolio. With returns, relative to any chosen benchmark index, broken down into allocation, selection and interaction effects, investors can continuously measure the success of their investment decisions and strategy.
Holdings analytics
Analyze the true fundamentals of your existing holdings or search for new investment targets! Investors can analyze the very core of each portfolio company, both from a fundamental and relative perspective. Company specific tables showing historical earnings, consensus estimates, key valuation ratios and peer group, all up-to-the-minute, help investors to construct and maintain a most efficient equity portfolio. By always reflecting the true portfolio content, investors can react faster to any market change affecting output.
Simulation and screening
Track changes in earnings estimates, make your own analysis, or plot single positions against the benchmark portfolio! Valuatum Equity Portfolio Solution offers features and visually descriptive tables and graphs aimed to improve portfolio performance: XY-scatters, multiple rankings, earnings simulation, earnings expectations etc.
Own target prices
React to market changes in a timely manner! Valuatum Equity Portfolio Solution enables investor to define a target prices for each holding. In addition to an absolute price target, investors can also set a dynamic target price that is based on peer group valuation. Real-time charts and tables expressing each position’s potential to target enables a more proactive investment strategy.
Portfolio reports
Valuatum’s Proprietary templates for Microsoft Word and PowerPoint offer a high-quality layout and easily configurable content for portfolio reports. Automatic on-line data population, clear user interface, dynamic structure and a large number of pre-prepared tables and graphs speed up report preparation significantly.
Additional information
Watch our guided video tour (duration of 5 and half minutes) to see some of the Platform’s key features, such as comparison tool, company overview page, valuation and report generation in practice.
Watch our valuation tool video (duration of 2 minutes) to see how to use Valuatum Estimator.